Solar farms to be Farm Forum topic


XENIA — Few developments have raised the intense interest in the rural parts of Greene County like the proposed solar farms. These proposed solar farms have pitted neighbor against neighbor and farmer against farmer in some cases.

The Monday, Aug. 26 meeting of the Greene County Farm Forum will focus on the latest information on this subject with comments from Dale Arnold, director of energy, utility and local government policy for the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation. He will share his thoughts on all types of solar development — on-site systems and community-scale and utility-scale projects. Arnold will include basic energy future casting trends that impact farmers and rural communities in Greene County.

The meeting will take place at Union Methodist Church, 1145 Union Road, Xenia. For those interested, a meal ($12 per person) will be served at 6:30 p.m. followed by the program at approximately 7 p.m. To make a meal reservation, contact Paul Ayres 937-352-6379 or [email protected] by Aug. 23.

No reservations are necessary if you just wish to attend the meeting. The program is open to the public.