Man sentenced for attack on officer


XENIA — The man who attempted to harm a police officer and later escape from jail will spend more than a decade in prison.

Tyler Senter was sentenced to an indefinite prison term of 11-16.5 years by Greene County Common Pleas Court Judge Michael A. Buckwalter on Aug. 14. Senter previously pleaded guilty to several offenses, including escape, robbery, and felonious assault on a Fairborn police officer.

On Jan. 31, Senter was being booked into Fairborn Police Department jail after having been arrested for the theft of a motor vehicle. Authorities say while being fingerprinted, Senter was able to obtain a weapon and attempted to stab an officer as part of an unsuccessful escape attempt. Senter was unable to inflict physical harm upon the booking officer and was quickly subdued without injury. Senter was ultimately transported to the Greene County Jail, where he again unsuccessfully attempted to escape hours later. On May 30, Senter pleaded guilty in Greene County Common Pleas Court to several charges contained in three separate indictments and faced nearly 40 years in prison as a maximum penalty.

“This case is yet another example of the dangers of being a police officer,” Greene County Prosecutor David D. Hayes said. “Here, Tyler Senter allegedly stole a car, which is a serious property crime, but is not itself a violent offense. In an effort to elude responsibility for a property crime, Senter put a police officer’s life in danger. The officer is lucky to have escaped injury. I think Judge Buckwalter imposed a proper sentence in this case, because attacks on police officers must end. In order for that to happen, the consequences must be significant.”