Witnessing amongst opposition


“They traveled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus, who was an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God.” (Acts 13:6-7)

Two forces collide in Barnabas and Saul’s witness at Paphos — the one wanting to believe and the one wanting to prevent belief. We see that Sergius Paulus is a seeker of the truth about God. He is intelligent in that way. Not all people are. He actually welcomes those with new ideas about God. Thus, he welcomes Barnabas and Saul to share with him what they have to say about God, and especially about this new name on the religious scene, Jesus. Unbelief’s first attempt to sidetrack the witness of Jesus by Barnabas and Saul is thwarted. But unbelief is a persistent enemy.

In sharing Jesus, we run into the same two forces that Barnabas and Saul did. There are those who are eager to come to a better understanding of their Creator God and those who stand in the way of such an understanding. These two forces will always be doing battle. But, in the case of Jesus, the battle is pretty lopsided. In a sense God doesn’t play fair. He adds the ingredient of His Holy Spirit to intelligence and reason. He brings about faith in the most trying circumstances. He miraculously brings people to trust Jesus against all opposition. Alleluia!

Heavenly Father, witnessing about Jesus is empowered by You. Empower us by Your Spirit to be bold in our sharing of Jesus in the presence of opposition. Take our words and empower them by Your Spirit to transport lives into Your Kingdom through trusting Jesus.

In His name. Amen.

Pastor Robert Forsberg is retired from Light of Christ Lutheran Church in Fairborn.

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