The God Of encouragement


“On the Sabbath they entered the synagogue and sat down. After the reading from the Law and the Prophets, the leaders of the synagogue sent word to them, saying, ‘Brothers, if you have a word of encouragement for the people, please speak.’ ” (Acts 13:14b-15 (16-41)

As is their normal practice, Paul and Barnabas, go to the local synagogue to worship. As they are there, they are asked to share a “word of encouragement.” And do they have a “word!” They have words that speak to the two greatest needs of any human being. Encouragement for life now and after physical death. Paul will share about the only One, Jesus, who brings comfort for both. Paul lays out this blessed Good News using words from the Hebrew Scriptures, in verses 16-41.

When we hear the Good News of God spoken to us is it encouraging? Are we encouraged in our life and freed from any fear of death? If we are hearing the Good News correctly preached or taught, we are. The Good News does not condemn. It lifts up. Jesus is the encouraging Word for our lives. Isn’t life precious? Don’t we want to live a good one and forever? Of course we do. This isn’t just some experiment and then “poof” we are no more. We will live forever. Jesus came to show us the way for that. It is through Him. Trusting Him is the encouragement we need for the journey here and into eternity.

Heavenly Father, You are our God of Love and Encouragement. You have created us and want the best for us, a life of meaning and purpose. You want us to be part of Your Forever Family now and into eternity. Fill us with Your Spirit of Encouragement. And may that encouragement overflow to others.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pastor Robert Forsberg is retired from Light of Christ Lutheran Church in Fairborn.

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