Former Bethel hoops coach sentenced for sex crime

XENIA — A former area high school basketball coach and Xenia resident was sentenced Thursday for a sexual battery charge. Chelcie Gullett, 25 – formerly an assistant volunteer coach with Bethel schools in Miami County – was sentenced to six months in the Greene County Jail and five years of probation.

Gullett was granted work release during the six months of jail time and was ordered to complete a mental health evaluation, as well as mental health and sex offender treatment. The former coach was also ordered to register as a sex offender for life.

The charge came following an “inappropriate relationship” Gullett had with a player she met while she was a coach. According to a release from the Xenia Police Division, after the victim’s parents reported an incident to the school, investigators determined that sexual acts between Gullett and the victim occurred in Xenia, where Gullett lives.

Gullett paused and shed tears Thursday before apologizing to the victim. She said the victim came to her in confidence on several occasions for guidance.

“I let an emotional bond build, cloud my judgment and resulted in a line to be crossed between a coach and a youth,” she said.

Gullett pleaded guilty to the charge Sept. 16.

While, according to police, the victim was of the age of consent, “the fact that [Gullett] was an authority figure is what constitutes this offense as sexual battery, a third-degree felony.”

Gullett faced up to five years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines for the third-degree felony sexual battery charge. The case was sentenced under the supervision of Judge Michael Buckwalter in Greene County Common Pleas Court.

Gullett and her attorney look on during Thursday’s sentencing hearing. and her attorney look on during Thursday’s sentencing hearing.

By Nathan Pilling

[email protected]

Reach Nathan Pilling at 937-502-4498 or on Twitter @XDGNatePilling.